Funny Intelligent Talk

No Topic is Off Limits For This Dynamic Duo
About Lisa
Hi, I'm Lisa!
Hi, I'm Lisa, and I'm the boss, but sometimes, to make Leo feel better, I let him think that he is in charge. I have a more easygoing style, but don't let that fool you. I always let my opinions be known. Although Leo and I differ on many things, ultimately we agree on one guiding principle. Listen in and figure it out for yourself.

About Leo
Hi, I'm Leo!
Sometimes I shock people with what I have to say. I'm really just a simple guy trying to get a word in edgewise. I do however, say what most people, especially men, are thinking, but hesitate to say out loud. Listen and ask yourself, "Did he really say that?" Any topic from business to relationships. I have an opinion and it usually seems to be at odds with Lisa's.